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Charity concerts


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October 2022
tour of Louisiana and Mississippi

"On October 27, 2022, we at First Baptist Church of Ruston, LA had the incredible privilege to host a benefit concert with the amazing Volodymyr Zaitsev.  He shared his world-renowned musical talents with our congregation and amazed the young and old alike.  And he shared his evident passion and love for his home country of Ukraine through his stories and his desire to help the children injured and orphaned during this trying time there.  We were happy to collect a love offering of $3500 to assist with the medical care of these children.  We would encourage anyone who can join him as he will continue to show his love for his homeland.  Thank you Volodymyr for blessing us and allowing us to be a part of your passion."


Richard Ainsworth

Traditional Minister of Music

First Baptist Church

Ruston, LA

Aid from benefactors from the USA was handed over to the families who found shelter in Ternopil

Author: Vira Kasiyan

JANUARY 26, 2023

Washing machines, gas stoves, microwave ovens and other household appliances were handed over by the Ternopil Diocese of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine to the refugees from the zone of active hostilities. This became possible thanks to the help from the United States of America. Volodymyr Zaitsev, a native of Kyiv, now a well-known pianist and showman in the USA, laureate of the New York Artists International Award, collected funds for the victims of the war unleashed by Russia.

Back in the summer, the musician, who has a long-standing friendship with the Ternopil Philharmonic, approached the diocese with an offer to help Ukrainians. Archbishop Nestor of Ternopil and Kremenets blessed Mr. Volodymyr in his good undertaking.

Volodymyr Zaitsev gave a series of charity concerts in the American states of Louisiana and Mississippi, during which more than 13 thousand dollars were collected. All these funds were used to buy household appliances in Ternopil for the needs of the displaced people who currently live in the region. Assistance was given to four dozen families with many children and low-income families.

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